Transaction Advisory

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Augeo is governed by the vision of IBC and prioritize the concept of restructuring by selling companies as a “going concern”.

The underlying principle behind restructuring or reorganization proceeding is that a business may be worth a lot more preserved or even sold, as a going concern than if the parts are sold piecemeal. For instance, in the US Congress, it has been stated that:

“The purpose of a business reorganization case, unlike a liquidation case, is to restructure a business’s finances so that it may continue to operate, provide its employees with jobs, pay its creditors and provide a return for its stockholders.”

Some of the advantages of selling the business as a going concern are:

  • Preservation of Intangible Assets.
  • Smooth transition of undertaking.
  • Collective value of assets.
  • Retaining workers and employees.
  • Time-bound process.

Over the years of functioning. Augeo has created a pool of highly talented transaction advisors. With deep rooted connections with various ARCs, IRPs and Financial Institutions, Augeo has the pulse of the global industry and exhibited its skills in match making of the assets to investors.

For the investor, it is like a win-win situation:

  • Discounted investment
  • Complete hassle-free set-up
  • Market penetration